Anac2024 - Indianapolis

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News & Announcements

ANAC announces new policy statements (September 2024)

At the Sept. Board of Directors meeting, two policy statements drafted by the Policy Committee were approved: Transgender Rights in Healthcare and PrEP for HIV Prevention. Read them.

Late breaker abstracts open (August 2024)

ANAC2024 is now accepting late breaker abstracts. Applications close Aug. 26.

ANAC publishes HIV & Aging article (May 2024)

ANAC staff Carole Treston and Sheila Tumilty and members Jeff Kwong and David Vance collaborated on an article for the American Society on Aging. Read it here.

ANAC2024 Registration is now open (May 2024)

Early-bird pricing ends July 15. Register now.

DEI Action Club seeks participants (May 2024)

Applications are open to join the first DEI Action Club focused on health equity and anti-racism. Learn more.

2024 Award nominations are now open (May 2024)

Deadline for nominations is June 10. Learn more.

HIV & Aging Scholars Program seeks participants (April 2024)

The HIV & Aging Scholars Program is accepting applications for Cohort 5. Learn more. 

ANAC submits comments to NIH OAR (March 2024)

ANAC submitted comments to NIH Office of AIDS Research on proposed strategic plan. Read comments.

Submit an abstract for ANAC2024 (March 2024)

ANAC seeks abstracts for oral concurrent sessions, posters and student posters. Deadline to submit is April 22. Learn more.

HIV and Aging Cohort 4 applications are now open (Oct. 2023)

Deadline has been extended! Applications are open until Nov. 12. Learn more and apply.

ANAC releases statement about equal healthcare for all (Sept. 2023)

Read the statement.

ANAC 2023 Award Winners announced! (Sept. 2023)

View the latest award winners and plan to celebrate with them at ANAC2023 in New Orleans! See the list.

2023 Pride statement (June 2023)

Read it here!

Registration open for ANAC2023 (May 2023)

ANAC has opened early-bird registration for ANAC2023 in New Orleans Oct. 26-28. Register now.

Celebrating Nurses Week 2023 (May 2023)

ANAC celebrated nurses week by highlighting the many roles nurses can have throughout health care. Read more.

ANAC announces Call for Nominations (May 2023)

Call for board of directors and nominating committee are open until May 24. Learn more.

HIV and Aging Scholars Program Cohort 3 applications open (April 2023)

Application for Cohort 3 participants are due May 19. Learn more.

ANAC denounces Ugandan anti-gay legislation. (March 2023)

Read the entire statement.

Did you miss the March 2023 Newsletter?

Stay up to date on ANAC events, educational offerings, open awards and grants, member news from the field and much more!

ANAC recently re-launched the Chapter Chat! 

Get access now by logging into your member profile. 

JANAC offers two free articles on monkeypox (Oct. 2022)

Monkeypox resources and recorded webinars (August 2022)

ANAC has curated a list of resources for healthcare providers about the recent monkeypox outbreak. Visit for the latest information and hosted webinars.

ANAC advocates for reproductive rights as human rights (August 2022)

We condemn the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and related so-called “trigger-bans” currently in effect in 10 states (with others looming or in court battles). View our full statement.

Monkeypox - What nurses need to know webinar available for on-demand viewing (August 2022)

Presented by ANAC and Center for Infectious Disease and Nursing Innovation on Aug. 2. View the recording.

Sigma Theta Tau/ANAC research grant awarded (July 2022)

Congratulations to the 2022 grant awardee, Michael Relf, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, AACRN, CNE, FAAN, from Duke Global Health Institute. Learn more.

JANAC seeks Associate Editor (July 2022)

JANAC is accepting applications for Associate Editor until August 19, 2022. Learn more.

ANAC celebrates Pride month (June 2022)

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) celebrates June as Pride month and denounces stigma and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. View our full statement.

POCN to host webinars on shifting HIV care from acute to chronic (June 2022)

Join POCN for a webinar series about patient management considerations for single-tablet ARV regimen. ANAC member Robert Dodge, PhD, RN, ANP, AACRN will host several of the sessions. Learn more.

Urgent action needed to retain and strengthen the nursing workforce (May 2022)

During Nurses Week 2022, ANAC calls attention to nursing workforce issues that impact the quality of patient care and the capacity and sustainability of the nursing profession. View our full statement.

HIV & Aging Scholars program accepting applications (March 2022)

Applications for the first HIV & Aging project-based cohort are due April 17. Learn more.

ANAC signs joint statement condemning illegal invasion of Ukraine (March 2022)

ANAC joins with the American Nurses Association (ANA) in signing on to a joint statement from the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and other global nursing organizations condemning the illegal invasion of Ukraine and the military attacks on its people, and calling for an immediate ceasefire. Read the statement.

ANAC2021 plenary recordings (Dec. 2021)

Check out recordings of our ANAC2021 plenary speakers' presentations. Watch now.

ANAC commentary on NINR framework (Dec. 2021)

ANAC solicited feedback from our members on the NINR strategic plan framework. Read the summary.

ANAC commentary on draft NAHS (Dec. 2021)

ANAC members provided commentary on the updated National HIV AIDS Strategy 2022-2025 (NHAS) and the Plan to End the HIV Epidemic. Read more.

2021 ANAC award winners announced (Oct. 2021)

Congratulations to the 2021 award recipients. View the list.

ANAC statement on equity in research published in July-August edition of JANAC (July 2021)

In April, the ANAC diversity, equity and inclusion and research committees wrote a commentary to the NIH about racial equity and inclusion in medical research. Read the statement.

Sigma Theta Tau/ANAC research grant awarded (June 2021)

Congratulations to the 2021 grant awardee, Alanna Bergman, MSN, RN, APRN, AAHIVS, from Johns Hopkins University. Learn more.

ANAC features Black nurse pioneers for Black History Month (Feb 2021)

Read about five ANAC members and their journey in becoming an HIV/AIDS nurse and advocate. Read more.

ANAC member publishes article in Infectious Diseases and Therapy journal (Feb. 2021)

Sheldon Fields' article titled Patient-Focused Selection of PrEP Medication for Individuals at Risk of HIV: A Narrative Review was published in the February edition. Read it here.

FAQ document about the new COVID-19 vaccine (December 2020)

Through a partnership with CoVPN, ANAC has created a document of frequently asked questions about the recently-released vaccine. View the document.

Walgreens and ANAC team up to provide resources (December 2020)

The team-based care supports U=U rack card is now available. It provides information about adherence strategies, polypharmacy and more. View it here.

ANAC hires director of education programs and membership manager (December 2020)

ANAC welcomes Kara Buell, MSN, RN as director of education programs and Nakera Dumas as membership manager.

HANCB announces new process for certification. (November 2020)

Starting June 1, 2021 HANCB is changing the process for A/ACRN certification. HANCB will also be introducing a new certification for LPN/LVNs. Details can be found here. If you have any questions about how this will affect your status, contact Lynda Wileman.

AIDS 2020 Nursing Networking Zone resources now available (July 2020)

Articles, podcasts, webinars and other resources from the Nursing Networking Zone at the 2020 International AIDS Conference are now available on the ANAC website. View them here.

ANAC opposes administration's decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization (July 2020)

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) adamantly opposes the United States administration's decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO). Click here to read the full statement.

ANAC partners with AAHIVM for virtual Pride parade (June 2020)

ANAC and AAHIVM are partners in the All of Us Research Program, an NIH program designed to diversify medical research. The virtual Pride parade features ANAC and AAHIVM members sharing why it is important for under-represented populations to join the study. Watch the compilation video here.

ANAC supports Pride month and Supreme Court decision (June 2020)

ANAC's statement about the Supreme Court decision upholding the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and workplace protections for LGBT employees. Read it here.

ANAC responds to anti-Black sentiment and the murder of George Floyd (June 2020)

ANAC has issued a statement about the current racial climate and calls for systemic change. Read the statement here.

ANAC supports the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act (April 2020)

Tell Congress more PPE is needed immediately. Join with the American Nurses Association to tell Congress to support the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act to address severe shortages in personal protective equipment (PPE) as they work on the frontlines to provide vital care to #COVID19 patients. Sign-on here.

CDC to hold COCA call (March 2020)

Healthcare workers are encouraged to join the COCA call: Underlying Medical Conditions and People at Higher Risk for COVID-19 on March 24, 2020 at 2 p.m ET. Join the call here or on Facebook on the COCA Facebook page.

COVID-19: ANAC provides resources for healthcare teams (March 2020)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ANAC collected reliable resources for healthcare workers. More information.

CDC provides resources for HIV prevention (March 2020)

Resources are available for clinicians and supporters of the Prescribe HIV Prevention campaign created by the CDC. More information.

ANAC ED send remarks to PACHA (February 2020)

Carole Treston, executive director of ANAC, wrote remarks to PACHA regarding the vital role nurses play in HIV/AIDS care. Read the remarks.

Vincent Guilamo-Ramos appointed to PACHA (February 2020)

ANAC member Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos has been appointed to serve on the United States Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA.) Read more. 

2020 named Year of the Nurse and Midwife (January 2020)

2020 was designated as the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife by the World Health Organization in recognition of the contributions they make and the risks associated with nursing shortages. Read more. 

ANAC member named Vanessa Von Wertheim Endowed Chair (January 2020)

Sandra Gracia Jones, PhD, ARNP, ACRN, ACNS-BC, FAAN, was named Endowed Chair in Chronic Disease Prevention and Care at Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Heath Sciences, Florida International University. She is an active local and national ANAC member and has received the JANAC research article of the year award and the inaugural ANAC HIV Prevention Award.

ANAC board member appointed to Livingston Chair in Nursing Excellence (May 2019)

Carol Dawson-Rose, PhD, RN, FAAN, Community Health Systems Chair at UCSF School of Nursing was appointed to the Livingston Chair in Nursing Excellence at the school. Her focus on vulnerable and underrepresented communities embodies the goals of this endowed chair.

Gilead Sciences announces partnerships to address HIV & Aging (February 2019)

Gilead is providing $17.6 million in grant to 30 organizations, including ANAC, through the HIV Age Positively initiative. Read the release.

ANAC provides comments to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (January 2019)

Changes to current Medicare Part D could have negative impact on HIV/AIDS care. Read the comments.

All of Us Research Program page now live (January 2019)

ANAC has continued its partnership with the All of Us Research Program by adding resources and links to their website to encourage HIV/AIDS nurses and healthcare providers to get involved. View the page.

ANAC and other nursing organizations join Nursing Now Campaign (July 2018)

Organizations to promote role of nurses to achieve U=U (undetectable = untransmittable) for those living with HIV. Read the press release.

New public policy agenda announced by ANAC board of directors (October 2018)

The ANAC board of directors unanimously approved the updated ANAC policy agenda, as developed and submitted by the ANAC policy committee. It serves as a roadmap for ANAC policy work and position. It reflects our commitment to person-centered evidenced based health care, social justice and human rights.

ANAC joins NIH in launching All of Us Research Program (May 2018)

The All of Us Research Program is a momentous effort to advance individual prevention, treatment and care for people of all backgrounds. Read the release.

ANAC and AAHIVM host All of Us research webinar (February 2018)

The webinar, titled What do HIV clinicians and health professions educators need to know? will be held on Feb. 15 at 1 p.m. ET. Register here.

ANAC announces pre-conference session at AIDS 2018 (February 2018)

ANAC will host Enhancing Nursing Workforce Capacity to Achieve HIV Epidemic Control and Positive Health Outcomes at the International AIDS conference in Amsterdam in July. Register for the session here.

ANAC releases statement in support of diversity (January 2018)

Read the statement.

ANAC expresses concerns about reports of CDC language restrictions (December 2017)

Read the press release.

ANAC2017 overview (December 2017)

Read the highlights and view photos from this year's 30th anniversary conference in Dallas.

New York Times prints letter to editor regarding CDC word ban (December 2017)

Carole Treston, executive director and Jeffrey Kwong, president of the board co-wrote a letter to the editor that was printed in the New York Times. Read it here.

Ask me about PrEP informational rack card available (December 2017)

ANAC offers a free, downloadable patient education card for healthcare providers with information and resources about PrEP for patients and clients. There is a space to customize the card with local PrEP provider information. Download it here or contact us to order.

ANAC Opposes Tax Code Overhaul Proposals (November 2017)

ANAC announces opposition to current tax code overhaul that would result in spending cuts to health care and safety-net programs.

ANAC at USCA presentations now available (September 2017)

ANAC joined with HIVMA, SEROProject and PWN is presenting a provider pathway at USCA. View the presentations here.

ANAC release 2016 annual report (June 2017)

ANAC encourages you to read our 2016 annual report. This snapshot conveys just a tiny bit of the energy of our organization last year. Thanks to all who participated in 2016!

ANAC hires new executive director (May 2017)

The Board of Directors of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Carole Treston, RN, MPH, ACRN, FAAN as ANAC Executive Director, effective May 1, 2017. Read more here.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention for Women Webinar (May 2017)

Webinar is May 4 at 1 p.m. This is the third in a series intended for nurses and other members of the healthcare team to better educate your patients and provide referrals to PrEP experts. This webinar will explore HIV risk for women, gender specific approaches to HIV prevention focusing on PrEP as part of sexual health. Special considerations including PrEP use in women at risk for HIV for safe conception and breast feeding will be covered. Register here.

Opposition to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (March 2017)

ANAC is a member of the AIDS United Policy Committee joining with other national organizations to strongly oppose the Republican sponsored American Healthcare Act to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

ANAC announces new membership levels (March 2017)

ANAC has updated our membership categories to allow for a more inclusive and diverse membership population. Member levels are now: active (nurses), active discounted (retired, disabled and student nurses), partner (non-nurses) and global/electronic (nurses who live in low/middle income countries.) View the new levels.

ANAC joins others to protect the ACA (Jan. 2017)

ANAC joined with the HIV Medicine Association, American Academy of HIV Medicine and the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition in submitting a letter to members of Congress and President-elect Trump, signed by more than 1,000 healthcare providers that included a large contingent of nurses. It asked Congress to not to make changes to the ACA without plans to address the medical needs of low-income patients and to sustain the federal commitment to Medicaid and Medicaid expansion.

PrEP Resources (Oct. 2016)

There is a new website for providers, HIV Criminalization (Sept. 2016)

ANAC, with support from the Elton John AIDS Foundation has developed a downloadable tool: Clinician Guidelines to HIV Criminalization

StoryCorps Chicago: AIDS patients teach nurses how to live (Feb. 2016)

ANAC Members Melanie Steilen and Erik Mortensen poignantly discuss what it means to them to be HIV nurses.  Listen here as two ANAC nurses recall how they got started in careers which have impacted them both professionally and personally.

Elton John AIDS Foundation awards grant (January 2016)

ANAC is the recipient of a grant awarded by the Elton John AIDS Foundation to continue their work opposing HIV criminalization laws. Read the press release.

ANAC member wins award (Dec. 2015)

Congratulations to ANAC member, Phetsile Mamba, who has been recognized globally by the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) with an Excellence in Global HIV Nursing Award. Read more in the Times of Swaziland newspaper.

ANAC and ANA release joint statement (Dec. 2015)

On World AIDS day, ANAC was proud to announce that the American Nurses Association (ANA) has joined ANAC to call for the elimination of outdated HIV criminalization laws. Read ANA & ANAC's joint statement opposing HIV criminalization by clicking here.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) (Oct. 2015)

ANAC strongly supports the CDC guidelines on the use of PrEP as part of HIV prevention.  The PrEP Support Hotline for Clinicians, staffed by APRNs and MDs  provides peer to peer guidance on prescribing PrEP.  In a study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases found no new HIV infections among patients on PrEP during more than 2.5 years of observation.  Read more in JANAC about nurses and PrEP.

HIV Criminalization & Stigma (Oct. 2015)

The American Nurses Association (ANA) has co-endorsed ANAC's position statement opposing HIV criminalization and joined ANAC in calling for the end to unjust laws that criminalize HIV.  Thirty three states still have laws criminalizing HIV exposure.  These laws fuel stigma by institutionalizing discrimination and are based on outdated beliefs.  People living with HIV are still being arrested for HIV exposure.  ANAC is a member of the Positive Justice Project, a national coalition to end HIV criminalization in the U.S.  Read ANAC’s policy statement calling for the modernization of HIV Criminalization laws.

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