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Global HIV Nursing Committee

To identify and respond to the diverse issues of the global HIV/AIDS nursing workforce which impact health care delivery. If you are interested in joining this committee, please complete the Committee application.


  • Establish a strong ANAC presence in the constituency of health professionals working in global HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment
  • Advocate for safe, effective and adequately resourced environments for nursing colleagues working in HIV/AIDS care, particularly those in resource-limited settings
  • Collaborate with international colleagues to advocate for and develop evidence based policies and guidance which ensure high quality patient    centered care, building on nurse-led models of care and effective use of interdisciplinary health care teams.
  • Serve as a thought leader that effectively uses research to inform health policy and guidance at the country, regional and global level
  • Create a platform to support and engage expert ANAC constituents able to lead improvements in clinical and research capacity of nurses in resource-limited settings 

If you would like to inquire about expert resources through the committee in a particular area (e.g. training, clinical support, curriculum development) or within specific countries or regions, complete the request form here.

Committee co-chairs:  Ellen Schell and Noriel Calaguas
Committee members: Maureen Akolo, Emily Comstock, Barb de Rose, Ryan De Torres, Theresa Kaijage, Abigail Kazembe, Susan Michaels-Strasser, Jerry Nutor, Lucy Nyirenda, Eric Offei Affedzie, Prof. Ijeoma Okoronkwo, Dina Patel, Stephen Umoru, Sue Willard, Deb Winters
Board liaison: Deb Winters
ANAC Staff Member: Mwikali Kamami

This committee meets by conference call at least quarterly and gathers in committee at the annual conference.

Administrative forms

Quarterly Report
Committee Report

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