Past Conference Highlights | Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Past Conference Highlights

 ANAC2024 - indianapolis

 Race for the Cure

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plenary speakers

Nursing and its Power to Change the World
Sarah DiGregorio

Accelerating Progress Towards Health Equity: Our Work in 2024 and Vision for 2025
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD, MPH, RN
Marlene McNeese, MBA

Canary in the Coal Mine: Forgotten Communities, Hidden Epidemics

Advancing Towards a Cure and a Vaccine in HIV Research
Carl Dieffenbach, PHD

Expanding and Empowering Nursing Leadership in Sub-Saharn Africa: Insights from PEPFAR Nursing Leadership Initiative Countries

Climate Change Justice & Health Equity: A Call to Action for Nurses
Ann Kurth, PhD, RN

ANAC2023 - New Orleans

Connect and Feed Your Soul

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Plenary speakers

Shaping the future of HIV care through social determinants of health research
Shannon Zenk, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN

Synergy in Inclusive Sexual Health: Triadic Models Empowering LGBTQ+ Youth, Parents and Nurses
Dalmacio Dennis Flores, PhD, ACRN, FAAN

Climate Change: Supporting Black Women in the Fight to End the HIV Epidemic
Crystal Chapman Lambert, PhD, CRNP, FNP-BC, ACRN, FAAN
Dafina Ward, JD

Politicization of Trans Healthcare: Threats to Democracy and the Hopeful Horizon
Dallas Ducar, MSN, RN, PMHNP-BC, CNL, FAAN

Anti-racism: The Arc Bends Toward Allyship
G. Rumay Alexander, EdD, MSN, BSN, RN, FAAN

The State of HIV in the U.S.: Mobilizing to End the HIV Epidemic
Robyn Neblett Fanfair, MD, MPH

ANAC2022 - Tampa, FL

Equity, Compassion & Science - Keys to Ending the Epidemic

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Plenary Speakers

Visit the ANAC YouTube channel to watch these presentations.

Diversifying the Nursing Workforce through Intentional Anti-racism Actions

Reimagining the Role of the Nursing Workforce in Achieving EHE goals
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD, MPH, LCSW, RN, ANP-BC, PMHNP-BC, AAHIVS, FAAN

An update on the Monkeypox Outbreak
Jason E. Farley, PhD, MPH, ANP-BC, FAAN, Jeffrey Kwong, DNP, MPH, AGPCNP-BC, ACRN, FAANP, FAAN, AAHIVS, Erin Whitehouse, PhD, RN, MPH and Stephen Perez, PHD, RN, CRNP

ANAC2021 - Washington, D.C.

Year of the Nurse: A Call to Action

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Plenary Speakers

Visit the ANAC YouTube channel to watch these presentations.

Year of the Nurse: Leadership, Advocacy and Activism in Action
Ernest Grant, PHD, RN, FAAN
Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States
Harold Phillips

Global HIV Epidemic in 2021: How far has COVID set us back?
Jen Kates, PhD

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Report: Implications for Education, Practice and Research
Victoria L. Tiase, PhD, RN-BC, FAMIA, FAAN

Harnessing our integrity to transform despair into healing
Cynda Hylton Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN

HIV Care Across Generations: From the Pre-ART era to U=U
Candice Elam, BSN, RN, CEN
William Mannion, RN, BSN
Bridgette Picou, LVN

ANAC2020 - Virtual

Plenary Speakers

Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America
Laura Cheever, MD, ScM
Opening remarks: Congresswoman Lauren Underwood

Change Agents: Nursing Leadership in times of COVID-19
Sheila Davis, DNP, ANP-BC, FAAN
Opening remarks:Sheila Tlou, PhD

Getting to Zero among Black MSM in the American South: Testing the efficacy of an integrated Intervention Strategy to Accelerate Ending the HIV Epidemic (HPTN 096)
LaRon E. Nelson, PhD, RN, FNP, FNAP, FAAN
Opening remarks: Anthony S. Fauci, MD

ANAC2019 - Portland

View the conference program.

Keynote speaker

Narrative Becomes Identity
Shannon Weber, MSW 

Plenary speakers

HIV and Aging: The importance of connections and networks to foster positive aging with HIV
Tez Anderson
Dorcas Baker, RN, BSN, ACRN, MA
Casey R. Shillam, PhD, RN

My Continued Advocacy for Curing HIV
Timothy Ray Brown (The Berlin Patient)
Timothy passed away September 29, 2020

Ending the Epidemic: Lesson from Women of Color Living Across the HIV Care Continuum
Rasheeta Chandler, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP
Crystal Chapman Lambert, PhD, CRNP
Michele Crespo-Fierro, RN, PhD, MPH, AACRN

Special showing of the documentary film 5B
Cliff Morrison, RN, MS, MN, FAAN, ACRN
Alison Moed, RN, BSN, MSN
Guy Vandenberg, RN, BSN

Reflections on the HIV epidemic, nurses and the Plan to End HIV
Paul Kawata

ANAC2018 - Denver

View the conference program.

Keynote Speaker

Spirituality and Health: Mind, Body and Spirit: An Intersectional Approach
Rev. Tommie Watkins, Jr., PhD, MDiv, LMSW

Plenary Speakers

Protecting our HIV Patients from Viral Hepatitis: How Are We Doing?
John Weiser, MD, MPH

Cultural Awareness and Implicit Bias
Mekbib Gemeda

Highlights from the 22nd International AIDS Conference
Carole Treston, RN, MPH, ACRN, FAAN
Shaun Watson
Mitchell Wharton, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CNS

Service Beyond the Uniform: Military Service and the Path to a More Perfect Union
Paula M. Neira, JD, MSN, RN, CEN

Two-Spirits Gifts & Medicines: Dreams, hopes & healing
Harlan Pruden, PhD

ANAC2017 - Dallas

Celebrating 30 Years

View the conference program.

Keynote Speaker

ANAC at 30: Living into the Visions of Our Founders, Leaders and Members
Ella Curry, PhD, MTS, RN

Plenary Speakers

Planetary Health and the Role of Nursing
Ann Kurth, PhD, RN, CNM, MPH, FAAN

Update on the HIV Care Continuum: Engagement and Retention
Ed Gardner, MD

The Important Role of Safety-Net Providers in Addressing Health Disparities in Reproductive Health Care
Raegan McDonald-Mosley, MD, MPH, FACOG

Project ECHO: Expanding Access to HIV and Hepatitis C Care
Karla Thornton, MP, MPH

A 30-year Journey Towards the Future
Karen Daley, PhD, RN, FAAN

George W. Bush Presidential Library Tour and Museum

The ANAC Public Service Award was bestowed upon President George W. Bush for his vision and leadership in establishing and championing the PEPFAR program. Since its inception in 2003, the President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has provided lifesaving treatment to 11.5 million people living with HIV in more than 100 countries. ANAC nurses have worked in PEPFAR programs and we gratefully acknowledge the President’s commitment to compassionate care for people living with HIV. View the photos here.

30th Anniversary Display

Attendees were able to walk through the ANAC 30th Anniversary display featuring large-scale timelines from the last 30+ years of HIV/AIDS and display cases filled with publications, photos and other memorabilia. ANAC is celebrating its 30th anniversary throughout 2018.

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