Rural Nursing Committee | Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Rural Nursing Committee

The purpose of this committee is to identify the special issues and social determinants of health affecting both people living with and those who could benefit from preventative HIV services in sparsely populated areas, and to facilitate a network of clinicians to share expertise and develop solutions.

The committee is comprised of nurse practitioners, and other members of the healthcare team working in HIV care and prevention who are based in rural areas, provide services to clients living in these areas or have an interest in rural health. If you are interested in joining this committee, please complete the Committee application.


  • Facilitate a network of clinicians to share best practices, expertise and develop innovative approaches to improve access to care and outreach efforts in rural areas
  • Develop strategies to improve workforce development to recruit and retain clinicians to serve rural communities
  • Advocate for increased and non-traditional HIV syndemic related testing, care and prevention efforts in rural communities
  • Develop strategies to decrease HIV related stigma and isolation in rural communities

Committee co-chairs: Julia Green and Jenn Sobolik
Committee members: Jennifer Belfry, Jodee Brewer, Jessica Buckley, Alysa Bush, Rashetta Chandler, Brandi Cunningham Carey, Richard Gettings, Elizabeth Glaser, Sequan Kolibas, Ralston Lockett, Cordella Lyon, Lisa Rea, Pete Rodriguez, Julie Schexnayder, Sarah Vincelli, Sarah Williams, Andrew Yu
Board liaison: Rasheeta Chandler
ANAC Staff Member: Sheila Tumilty

Administrative forms

Quarterly Report
Committee Report

Discussion forum (committee members only)

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