Gerontology Organizational Partners | Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Gerontology Organizational Partners

The National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE) is a specialty organization whose mission is to enhance and sustain the capacity and competency of nurses to provide quality care to older adults. NHCGNE is collaboration of 63 national and international nursing schools and institutions that have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to the field of gerontological nursing and dedicated to optimal health and quality of life for older adults.

Geriatric Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA) represents the interests of all advanced practice nurses who work with older adults. These advance practice nurses are active in a variety of settings across the continuum including primary, acute, post-acute and long-term care. With 3,700+ members strong, GAPNA is the organization of choice for advanced practice nurses seeking continuing education in gerontological care as well as networking and peer support from experienced clinicians.

The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (HIGN) affiliated with the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing has been a resource for students, faculty, and practicing professionals around the globe to provide evidence based care and to influence and shape geriatric practice, education, research and policy. HIGN is committed to:1) Developing an interprofessional workforce that is competent in addressing issues of aging so that older people achieve optimal health and quality of life, and 2). Implementing models of care for older adults to assure better outcomes, improved patient experiences and cost effective care.

Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) is an international nursing education and consultation program designed to improve geriatric care in healthcare organizations. NICHE is a leader in geriatric care  with a network of healthcare organizations that includes 566 member organizations and continues to expand its national and international reach.

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the nation's oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging. With 5,500+ members, GSA advances the study of aging and disseminates information among scientists, decision makers, and the public. GSA includes a network of institutions dedicated to advancing scholarship in gerontology and a policy institute.

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