Running for Office FAQ | Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Running for Office FAQ

What are the requirements to run for the ANAC board of directors (president-elect, secretary, treasurer or director-at-large) or to serve on the nominating committee?

Nominating Committee Candidates

  • Nominees to the nominating committee must be current active members in good standing and must meet criteria as specified in the ANAC bylaws.
  • Nominating committee members do not travel to board meetings. This committee meets by telephone conference call on a regular basis.
  • No reimbursement is provided to nominating committee members to attend the annual conference. The nominations chair is offered a 50% reduced registration fee for the conference. The candidate who received the most votes on the nominating committee is appointed as nominating committee chair.
  • Once the Call for Nominations is published, it is estimated that members will donate anywhere between 10-12 hours total over the course of the year. The nominating committee meets for two hours while at the annual conference and meets by conference calls that last less than one hour. Each member is expected to spend additional time soliciting candidates and encouraging members to vote.

Board Officers and Board Member Nominees

Nominees to the ANAC board of directors must be current active members in good standing and must meet criteria as specified in the ANAC bylaws. This criteria is as follows:

  • Officers (president, president-elect, secretary and treasurer) and directors eligible to serve on the board shall have been voting members of ANAC for two years immediately prior to assuming office.
  • The president-elect shall have served at least one term on the national ANAC board of directors and must be a nurse.
  • The secretary, treasurer and directors-at-large shall have served at least two years on the national ANAC board of directors or a national committee, editorial board, or local chapter as a member of the board of directors.

What expenses am I responsible for covering for trips to Board Meetings and Conferences

  • The ANAC board of directors are expected to attend at least three board meetings each year, as well as ANAC’s annual conference.
  • BOD meeting dates and locations are planned one year in advance.
  • Newly-elected board members will be invited to attend a mandatory one-day board orientation which is normally held in conjunction with a fall board meeting.
  • For regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the year, all board members are expected to arrive at the hotel site Friday evening in preparation for the Saturday board meeting, which begins by 9 a.m. and goes until about 5 p.m.  The meetings resume on Sunday morning by 9 a.m. with the meeting ending at noon, if not earlier. Members are encouraged to not arrange return flights home any earlier than 4 p.m. on Sunday.
  • In general, air travel, ground transportation, lodging and meals are covered by the organization.
  • For questions about reimbursable expenses, please contact the national office for further information.

What is the expected time commitment for ANAC Officers and Board Members?

Each officer and member of the board of directors will be assigned to serve as liaison to one of ANAC’s committees. Depending on which committee you are assigned to, the time requirements will vary. Committees are required to meet four times per year, but some may meet more often. Committee meeting are virtual outside of conference. In addition, the ANAC president may assign special projects to officers and members of the board. 

It is also likely that ANAC business may require additional virtual meetings with the full board in between regularly scheduled board meetings. There is also an expectation that officers and board members will spend time reading and responding to personal email, participate in special projects, prepare reports for upcoming meetings, reading and reviewing board reports, editing and reviewing ANAC position statements, reviewing board minutes and reviewing board packets prior to board meetings. An average estimate would be that an ANAC officer or board member could spend anywhere between 5-20 hours each month working on ANAC business.

As an elected officer or member of the Board of Directors, what are my responsibilities at ANAC’s Annual Conference?

This is a very good and important question. Officers and board members are expected to attend ANAC’s Annual Conference. 

  • Committees meet throughout the conference.  As the liaison to one of ANAC’s committees, it is expected that you will attend your committee’s meeting.
  • The opening ceremony, awards dinner, gala, the keynote, and the plenary speaker sessions are mandatory.
  • You will also be asked to attend the combined incoming/outgoing board of directors meeting on the Sunday of conference.
  •  The annual business meeting is usually scheduled during the conference. As a newly elected member of the board, you will be officially installed as an ANAC officer or board member.

What expenses am I responsible for at the Annual Conference?

  • Complimentary registration is provided to new, continuing and off-going board members.
  • ANAC shall reimburse round trip air transportation to the annual conference for all current and incoming board members, in exchange for work preceding and/or during the conference.
  • ANAC shall reimburse up to five (5) hotel nights and other expenses as approved.

What and when is the ANAC board of directors orientation?
The newly-elected officers and members of the ANAC board of directors will be invited to an orientation usually in the fall. This orientation will include topics such as ANAC’s organizational structure, the workings of the national office, ANAC bylaws, the ANAC organization manual, e-mail voting procedures, position statements, financial reporting and committee structures.

I have heard the statement that ANAC is a 100% giving board.  Can you tell me what this means and what can I expect as far as “giving?”
ANAC initiated an annual fund in 2004 to give members the opportunity to support ANAC’s core programs and services. Board participation in the annual fund helps build a strong financial base for the organization and sends the message that the ANAC core family is strongly committed to its mission. In this way, the board is able to leverage support from others.  For these reasons, all board members are expected to participate in the annual fund at a level of $500 each year.

Is it necessary that I be ACLPN, ACRN or AACRN Certified before being allowed to be nominated to the board?
No, ACLPN, ACRN or AACRN certification is not a requirement to hold office or to serve on the ANAC board of directors. However, certification as an ACLPN, ACRN or AACRN serves to enhance your professional recognition as an expert in the field of HIV/AIDS by your colleagues and those living with HIV.

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