Calling the office of your Member of Congress is the quickest and most direct way to communicate with the Member. Phone calls are the preferred method when the issue is urgent and you do not have time to write and send a letter. Calls to both your Member’s Washington, DC office and his/her local office are effective, as both are reported to the Member.
Tips for calling your Member of Congress:
1. Say up front who you are and why you are calling. Establish immediately that you are a constituent.
2. Ask to speak with the staff member who handles the issues that you are calling about. Always be polite and respectful, as your message will be given to the Member of Congress.
3. Identify the topic you are calling to discuss, and make a few brief points as to why the issue is important to you and why the Member should take action on the issue.
4. Be clear about what you are asking the Member to do.
5. Be brief. Limit the call to under five minutes unless you are asked questions.
6. Thank the staff member for his/her time and express appreciation for the opportunity to voice your concerns.
Helpful phone numbers:
To express your views to your Members of Congress, you can call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
The White House comments desk can be reached at 202-456-1111.