Dr. Patrick Kenny Certified HIV Nurse of the Year Award

Please consider nominating yourself or an ACLPN/ACRN/AACRN colleague for the HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board Dr. Patrick Kenny Certified HIV Nurse of the Year Award. Nominations close June 10, 2024.

To be considered as a candidate for the award, the candidate must meet the following criteria:

1.    Currently certified as an ACLPN, ACRN, or AACRN
2.    Be a member of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
3.    Demonstrates excellence in HIV/AIDS nursing
4.    Demonstrates leadership in ANAC and HIV/AIDS nursing activities
5.    Demonstrates involvement in HIV/AIDS community activities
6.    Fosters advancement of HIV/AIDS Certified Registered Nurses through sharing of expertise

NOTE:  All current members of the HANCB and ANAC board of directors are ineligible to apply.  Receipt of the award does not include financial sponsorship to attend the ANAC conference.  The award winner will receive a cash prize of $500 and a plaque.

Type of nomination *

About the Nominee

Name *
Address *
City *
Zip code
Phone *
ANAC member number *
ACRN/AACRN since *
Will the nominee be attending the ANAC conference? *

About the Nominator

Clear Selection
ANAC member number

Nomination Information

Please attach a copy of the nominee's resume.
Number of years practicing HIV/AIDS nursing: *
Highest degree obtained *

Clear Selection
Other certifications held by nominee *
Current position *
Employer *
What is the nominee's professional experience in HIV/AIDS nursing? *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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How has the nominee demonstrated clinical excellence in HIV/AIDS nursing? *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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What activities has the candidate been involved in that demonstrate leadership and commitment to professionalism in HIV/AIDS nursing? *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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How has the nominee promoted certification as an ACRN/AACRN? *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
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© 2025 HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board | 1802 Vernon St. NW #1125, Washington, D.C. 20009
Phone: 800-260-6780 | Fax: 330-670-0109 | Email: hancb@anacnet.org